Code readability

Last updated on 2024-09-25 | Edit this page



  • What is code readability?
  • How do I make my code easier to interpret?
  • How do I explain the purpose of my code?


  • Understand the common ways to make code easy to read
  • Learn how to write code comments
  • Learn to document variable types in Python and R

It’s a common trope in the software engineering world that code is read much more often than it is written. It’s important that our code is approachable for new people to use with confidence, as they might want to review the code itself to understand what it does. Also, when you maintain your code, or come back to it in the future, you’ll be grateful for the effort you made in making it easy to interpret and follow its logic.

Syntax highlighting

Many text editors use syntax highlighting to display parts of your source code using different colours or fonts to signify the meaning of each word or symbol. For example, variable names may be given a bright blue colour, strings highighted in green, and numbers shown in a red font.

Let’s take a look to see its benefits:

Which bit of code is easier to read? What a difference a splash of colour makes! I know which development environment I’d rather work in.

Code editors

To work with our source code in a colourised way like this, use a text editor or IDE with a syntax highlighting feature such as Notepad++, VSCode, PyCharm, or RStudio.


Try using some code editing software to apply syntax highlighting to your code.

If you don’t have access to an IDE, you could try the Online syntax highlighting tool by Oleg Parashchenko which can colourise R scripts and Python code.

Meaningful names

Our code should convey as much meaning as possible to the user or developer that’s trying to interpret it.

Variable naming

Every variable has a name and a value. For example, the code x = 42 creates a variable named x that has the numerical value of four. But what does x mean? Is it the number of swallows required to carry a coconut? In this case, we have no idea.

That’s where meaningful variable names come in. Always try to name variables using a noun that describes its contents. For example, in our case we’d use laden_coconut_capacity = 42 which is much clearer.

Function names

A function contains code that defines the performance of an action. As with variables, the name of a function should describe its behaviour so that the user of that code can anticipate what it will do when they run it. A vague function name, such as calc(a, b) will be mysterious without any more explanation. Name your functions using a simple verb phrase such as calculate_area(width, height) so it’s easy to interpret their purpose.


Try modifying your example code by renaming the variables and functions.

  • How much meaning can you include in these object names?
  • What are the limitations of this approach?

Naming conventions

The communities of developers that use each programming language usually follow a conventional approach when naming objects in their code.

It’s also a good idea not to use single-letter names such as x or T because it may not be clear to someone else what these represent. Also, avoid the common pitfall of naming a variable with the same name as an in-built function such as sum().

Try writing a simple example of a research-related script using the style conventions discussed above.

Although these rules aren’t strict, because your code will still run without error, it does help clarify your intentions by describing what type of variable or object is being referred to. Whatever you do, please try to follow a consistent style with your collaborators to avoid confusion.


Code comments allow us to annotate any part of our software with a human-readable description of the expected behaviour of the code or our general intentions to aid the reader in their interpretation. Start writing these as soon as you begin development work, as they’ll capture your thought process while the knowledge is fresh in your mind, avoiding the risk of forgetting important details.

To add comments to your code, use the # symbol at the start of a new line, like so:

It’s best practice to use a very concise style when writing code comments. I recommend using active tense verbs.


Try adding comments to your code.

  • Which parts of the code will most benefit from comments?
  • How long and detailed should comments be?
  • How would you refer someone to an external website for more information?

Type hints

Type hints display the expected type of each object in your code. They are a kind of “documentation as code” that annotate the code that’s already there, rather than being written as separate documentation. While they don’t change the way the software works, they can help to improve code clarity and may be used to catch errors early in the development process.

Type hints for variables

When reading source code, it can be useful to know the type of each variable so we get an idea of what possible values they might contain as they move through the system.

Using type hints will make sure your code much easier to read and provide helpful documentation for others, and yourself in the future.

Function argument type hints

They can also be used to label the input and output types of functions. They are not strictly enforced, but act as a guide to the reader.

Type hints quiz

What do you expect to happen when the following code runs?


add(42, 1)

What about this code?


add(42.5, 1e5)

Will an error occur when we use strings as the input arguments?


add('cheese', 'cake')

None of these code examples will cause an error because type hints are just passive labels that document our code. They don’t enforce any type checking or rules that are asserted when the code is executed. This means that, while type hints are very useful for static analysis of code, where we learn something about a piece of software without running it.

This is just a brief introduction to code annotation. For the keen coder, there are many more features and tools available to make your software easier for other people to understand and use.

It will take some time and effort to write these labels, but it will pay off in the long run to think about variables types and make it easier to interpret how the code will behave as it operates. It’s best practice to use an integrated development environment (IDE) that will check your type hints and inform you if it detects a problem with your source code.

Key Points

  • Try to inject as much meaning into your source code as possible by naming things clearly and succintly.
  • Use comments to explain your rationale—even if the code seems obvious to you know, think of the future benefits!
  • Label functions and variables with type hints to tell the user what data types are expected.

Further resources

To find out more about the topics covered in this episode, please refer to the following pages: