Principles of Code design

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  • How to write maintainable, readable, resusable and scalable code?


  • Be familiar with standard principles of code design
  • Understand what they mean and how to apply them

Coding principles are guidelines and best practices that anybody writing code should follow to write clean, maintainable and efficient code. They enhance code quality and ensure it is readable, reusable and less prone to errors.

You aren’t gonna need it (YAGNI)


The principle YAGNI stands for “You Aren’t Gonna Need It”. This principle encourages you to build only what is needed right now, avoiding adding features for hypothetical future needs. It comes from Agile programming and aims to reduce spending time and resources on unnecessary code and keep the code clean and understandable.

Why YAGNI is important:

  • Simplicity: By avoiding unnecessary code you will reduce complexity, making it easier to read, maintain, and debug code.
  • Saving Time: Don’t wast time by building features that may never be used.
  • Flexibility: Writing only what is needed makes any changes in requirements easier to implement.

Applying YAGNI

Let’s consider the following instruction: create a function that implements a percentage discount price. Here is a solution that does not respect the YAGNI principle:


def calculate_discount(price, discount_type="percentage", value=10.0):
    This function applies a discount to a price

    price   : float
              Original price
    discount_type: str
                   type of discount [percentage of fixed]
    value:  float
            discount to be applied

    discounted_price: float
                      final price after applying discount

            if the discount type is not 'percentage' or 'fixed'

    if discount_type == "percentage":
        return price - (price * (value / 100))
    elif discount_type == "fixed":
        return price - value
        raise ValueError("Invalid discount type")

In that example, the software engineer has planned for possible other use cases (different type of discount) while not being required. It is an example of over-engineering. A better implementation would be:


def calculate_discount(price, discount_percentage):
    Function that applies a discount. The discount is given as a percentage of the original price.

    price:  float
            original price

    final_price: float
                final price after applying discount
    final_price = price - (price * (discount_percentage / 100))
    return final_price



Context: You’re working on a feature to calculate the final price of items in a shopping cart. Right now, the only two requirement are (1) to apply a fixed 10% discount to the total cart price and (2) return the final price with a $ sign in front of the total price (e.g. $42.2). However, the initial implementation includes additional features that anticipate potential, but not confirmed, future requirements.


def calculate_final_price(prices, currency="USD", discount_type="percentage", discount_value=0.1, include_shipping=False, shipping_cost=5.0):

    # Calculate the initial total price
    total = sum(prices)

    # Apply discount based on type
    if discount_type == "percentage":
        total -= total * discount_value
    elif discount_type == "fixed":
        total -= discount_value

    # Include shipping if specified
    if include_shipping:
        total += shipping_cost

    # Format total with currency symbol
    if currency == "USD":
        return f"${total:.2f}"
    elif currency == "EUR":
        return f"€{total:.2f}"
        raise ValueError("Unsupported currency")

Work on the calculate_final_price function to apply the YAGNI principle by removing unnecessary parameters and logic, focusing only on the known requirements.


def calculate_final_price(prices):
    # Calculate the total with a fixed 10% discount
    total = sum(prices) * 0.9
    return f"${total:.2f}"


  • YAGNI encourages to code only the requirements you currently have.
  • Write lean, purpose-focused code and avoid implementing hypothetical features.
  • Keeps your code agile and maintainable.

Keep it simple, Stupid (KISS) & Curly’s Law


The KISS Principle stands for “Keep It Simple, Stupid” and points out that writing simple code should be a primary goal in design. Complex structure often leads to unreadable and error-prone code. This is especially important in research where maintaining code over a long time period is essential.

Why KISS is important?

  • Readability: Simple code is easier to understand. There is a high chance that the person who will read your code the most is yourself, so help your future self.
  • Maintainability: Bug are easier to be found and fixed when each component is simple.
  • Upgrade: A simple code is easier to adapt to changes in the requirements.

It is easy to recognize complex code. When you have too many nested loops or if statements it means that your code is not optimal. In such case you might take a step back and try to simplify the structure.

The Curly’s Law says that a function should focus on a single task. Each function should “do one thing” and “do it well,” meaning that if a function has multiple tasks, consider breaking it down.

Why is the Curly’s Law important?

  • Reusability: Simple single-task function are easier to reuse.
  • Bug fix: When you code is composed of simple function, potential issues are easier to localise.
  • Testing: Simple single-task function are easier to test.
  • Modularity: Code becomes more modular and organized.

Applying KISS and Curly’s Law : Simplifying a Complex Function

Let’s consider a function that compute the area of circles, rectangles and triangles:


def calculate_area(shape, dimensions):
    This function compute the area of a given geometrical shape

    shape   : str
              shape to consider. Can be rectangle, circle or triangle

    dimensions: list
                of dimension to consider. For rectangle and triangle you need to give a list
                of 2 numbers. For circle, you need to pass a list of one quantity (radius).

    area      : float
                area of the shape

            if the shape is not recognised
    if shape == "rectangle":
        area = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]
    elif shape == "circle":
        area = 3.14159 * (dimensions[0] ** 2)
    elif shape == "triangle":
        area = 0.5 * dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]
        raise ValueError("Unsupported shape!")

    return area
area = calculate_area("rectangle", [10, 20])

This function is able to compute the area of each shape. To apply KISS and the Curly’s law what you can do is to split this function into three simple independent functions:


def rectangle_area(length, width):
    return length * width

def circle_area(radius):
    return 3.14159 * radius ** 2

def triangle_area(base, height):
    return 0.5 * base * height

# Simple and clear usage
area = rectangle_area(10, 20)

In that version, functions are specific and easy to understand and there is no unnecessary complexity in shape management. It is easier to maintain and extend.



Let’s consider a function that processes data by removing values, calculating the average and returning a formatted result :


def process_data(data):

    cleaned_data = [x for x in data if x is not None]  # Remove missing values

    average = sum(cleaned_data) / len(cleaned_data)    # Calculate average

    return f"Average: {average:.2f}"  

Using KISS and Curly’s law, rewrite this code.


def remove_missing(data):
    This function is removing missing data from a list
    data   : list
             list of numbers

    cleaned_data: list
                  of data without missing values
    clenaed_data = [x for x in data if x is not None]

    return cleaned_data

def calculate_average(data):
    This function computes the average of the input data

    data   : list
             of numbers

    average : float
              average of the data
    average = sum(data) / len(data)

    return average

def format_average(average):
    Format the number as given in parameter as string.

    average    : float
                 number to format

    formatted_string    : str
                          of the form 'Average: X.YZ'
    return f"Average: {average:.2f}"


  • The KISS Principle encourages you to your code as simple as possible.
  • Curly’s Law advise you to keep functions focused on a single task.
  • Combining these principles improves code readability, maintainability and testability.

Don’t repeat yourself (DRY) - Rule of three


The DRY Principle states: “Don’t Repeat Yourself.” It encourages you to minimize duplication by refactoring similar code patterns. This leads to more readable, maintainable, and scalable code.

Why DRY is it important:

  • Improves Readability: Code is clearer when it’s not cluttered with repeated logic.
  • Reduces Bugs: If you need to make changes, you only do it in one place, reducing the chance of errors.
  • Saves Time: Updating and testing code is faster when code is organized with minimal duplication.

Using functions to avoid repeting code

Instead of writing the same code in multiple places in your script, create a function. This makes updates easier and avoids errors. For example consider the following code:


price1 = 100 * 1.2
price2 = 150 * 1.2
price3 = 200 * 1.2
print(price1, price2, price3)

The same operation is repeated three times with a different value. If you create a function that makes this operation you can refactor your code:


# With DRY Principle
def calculate_price(base_price):
    return base_price * 1.2

price1 = calculate_price(100)
price2 = calculate_price(150)
price3 = calculate_price(200)
print(price1, price2, price3)

Using loops instead of manual repetition

In the previous examples we still call the function three time which is not optimal. In general, If you’re applying the same operation to multiple elements, use a loop to avoid repeated code blocks:


prices = [100, 150, 200]
for price in prices:

Using constants for common values

When a value is repeated in multiple places, declare it as a constant variable. This way, you only need to change it once if necessary. Consider the following code:


total = (100 * 0.1) + (200 * 0.1) + (300 * 0.1)

The value 0.1 is repeated three times. If you want to change it, you will need to do it three times. To save time and to add some clarity to your code, you may want to declare the value 0.1, as follows:


TAX_RATE = 0.1
total = (100 * TAX_RATE) + (200 * TAX_RATE) + (300 * TAX_RATE)

Now if you want to change 0.1 to 0.2 you need to do it only once. In addition, now you have a better idea of what that constant is! The code is already clearer.


Write a code, without repetition, that produces the following output:

Hello, Alice!
Hello, Bob!
Hello, Charlie!


def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]
for name in names:


DRY helps you write clear, efficient, and error-resistant code. Use functions, loops, and constants to reduce repetition. A DRY approach saves time and effort in the long run, especially when scaling or debugging code.

It is important to note that prematurely refactoring a code might lead to the unnecessary complexity. This is why DRY is often associated to the Rule of Three. The latter is a guideline suggesting that you should wait until a piece of code is repeated three times before refactoring it. It ensures that you only refactor when a pattern is stable and repeated enough time.

Principle of least astonishment (POLA)


The Principle of Least Astonishment (POLA) states that code should work in a way that does not surprise its users and maintainers. POLA encourages you to design code that aligns with common expectations.

Why POLA is important:

  • Usability: When code works as expected, users and maintainers are less likely to misuse or misunderstand it.
  • Maintainability: Familiar and predictable patterns make the code easier to maintain and upgrade.
  • Collaboration: Using consistent and intuitive code make it easier for multiple people to work with and develop.

Common violations

Here are three common violation of POLA:

  • Naming Conventions: Function or variable names that don’t align with their purpose often lead to problems

  • Unexpected Return Types: Functions that return types users wouldn’t expect, such as a function sometimes returning an integer and other times returning None.

  • Multiple Functionalities: Using functions for multiple unrelated tasks often leads to unexpected behaviors.

Applying POLA

Example 1: Consider a function that returns different types based on a condition, which could confuse users who expect one type.


def calculate_total(items):
    if not items:
        return None  # If no items, return None
    return sum(items)

The problem in that function is that depending on a condition, the returned value has a different type. To overcome this problem a potential solution is to return a number anyway:


def calculate_total(items):
    if not items:
        return 0  # Return 0 instead of None for consistency
    return sum(items)

With this solution, the user of the code will always get the same type out of that function.

Example 2: Consider a function that does two different tasks: processing some data and save them in a file.


def process_data(data, save=False):
    cleaned_data = [d.strip() for d in data]
    if save:
        with open('data.txt', 'w') as f:
    return cleaned_data

The user may not expect that processing data will save them into a file as well. This can lead to data being overwriten. To overcome this potential problem, you might want to separate the two functionalities into two different functions:


def process_data(data):
    return [d.strip() for d in data]

def save_data(data, filename='data.txt'):
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

This solution keeps each function’s purpose clear.



Refactor calculate area to make it more predictable and intuitive.


from math import pi

def calculate_area(shape, a, b=0):
    if shape == "rectangle":
        return a * b  # Expects both `a` and `b`
    elif shape == "circle":
        return pi * (a ** 2)  # Ignores `b`
    elif shape == "triangle":
        return 0.5 * a * b  # Expects `a` as base and `b` as height
        return "Unknown shape"

# Example usage:
print(calculate_area("rectangle", 5))       
print(calculate_area("circle", 3, 4))       
print(calculate_area("triangle", 6, 3))     
print(calculate_area("hexagon", 5, 5))     


from math import pi

# Specific functions for each shape
def rectangle_area(length, width):
    if length <= 0 or width <= 0:
        return "Error: Length and width must be positive numbers."
    return length * width

def circle_area(radius):
    if radius <= 0:
        return "Error: Radius must be a positive number."
    return pi * radius ** 2

def triangle_area(base, height):
    if base <= 0 or height <= 0:
        return "Error: Base and height must be positive numbers."
    return 0.5 * base * height

# Example usage
rect_area = rectangle_area(10, 5)          # Expected: Valid rectangle area
circle_area_invalid = circle_area(-3)     # Expected: Error message
tri_area = triangle_area(6, 3)            # Expected: Valid triangle area
rect_invalid = rectangle_area(10, -5)     # Expected: Error message

# Output results
print(f"Rectangle Area: {rect_area}")
print(f"Circle Area: {circle_area_invalid}")
print(f"Triangle Area: {tri_area}")
print(f"Invalid Rectangle Area: {rect_invalid}")